Welcome Educators & Parents

Tangible Learning aims is to bring developmentally appropriate early childhood STEM tips and tricks to families and educational settings.

“Wherever there is a child there is curiosity and where there is curiosity there is science.”

Howitt & Blake

Young children are curious about everything around them. Their natural drive to learn about their experiences is the very basis for their learning and development and their encounters with STEM are how they make sense of the world.

 Yes, kids are exposed to large amount of STEM learning experiences before they even begin formalised early childhood education & care!  The Scientific Method is the way that babies and children learn (ask a question, have a guess, test it out, & communicate), and science provides a context for that learning.

Children are 'little scientists who are constantly creating and testing their own theories of the world.' Jean Piaget quote

About Me

Hi, I’m Dana.

This is Tangible Learning.

I’ve taken a long and twisty pathway in my last 20 years in the education sector, and to be honest, it’s not really where I saw myself as a kid…

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